Welcome newcomer Fran and returning VaRonica (and lucky door prize winner!)
WK&C hosted Inez Russell and Brooke Borg from Friends for Life to share with us the services they offer and how we can help. Friends for Life help seniors and disabled members our our community stay in their homes as long as possible as well as run an Adult Day Care locally. Our knit and crocheted items will be gifts to cheer their clients who have no family on their birthdays. Shawls, mitts, blankets, hats, wheel chair wraps, scarves, etc are welcome as well as purchased items like puzzles, Walmart or HEB gift cards, glue sticks (arts & crafts), small bingo prizes (adult day care), canned goods (food pantry), Ensure drinks (independent living clients), postage stamps, copy paper, (office) etc are requested. Thank you in advance for your support of our local community!
WK&C delivered 3 shawls, 1 lapghan, 1 scarf, 4 hats, 1 tissue box cover, 1 pillow, 1 kitchen towel, 2 combs, 1 framed prayer, and 4 jars of pineapple to Friends for Life when they came to chat with us.
Bring donations to any meetup and we will collect items through the end of June for this amazing organization.
You are invited May 8th to our next Knitting & Crocheting Meetup in the Meeting room (front left) at the South Waco Library (2737 South 18th) from 5pm – 8pm (or any part thereof). We will start our optional Knit-Along and Crochet-Along that will take place the month of May. Challenge yourself to learn something new with us!! All welcome