July 18th Knit @Nite (Casa de Castillo)

Location change: There was no library room available, so we will meet at Casa de Castillo (4820 Sanger Ave)

Join us Thursday, July 18th for our monthly Knit @ Nite, 6-8PM or any part thereof, at Casa de Castillo (4820 Sanger Ave). Knit and crochet fun for all.

Please let us know on the WK&C facebook event page if you will be attending, no later than Wednesday evening, so POC Angela can call the restaurant with a head count.

July 9th Knitting & Crochet Meetup

Join us Tuesday July 9th 5-8PM or any part thereof, at the South Waco Library (2737 S. 18th St). All welcome!

Optional – WK&C yarn related painting! If you want to participate, bring a rock or canvas. Paints and brushes provided. If you want Angela to bring your a 6″ x 8″ canvas, contact her by Monday so she can purchase them for $1.08 and sell them to you for $1.