June’s Sip, Sup & Knit will be at the Cracker Barrel in Hewitt (221 Enterprise Blvd, Hewitt, TX 76643) Join us for dinner, camaraderie and crafting. All welcome.
Author: WKC Admin
May 7th Sip, Sup & Knit
May’s Sip, Sup & Knit will be at Guess Family Barbecue (2803 Franklin Ave, Waco, TX 76710) Join us for dinner, camaraderie and crafting. All welcome.
(Cancelled) Apr 2nd Sip, Sup & Knit
Until Shelter In Place is over, we will be conducting our meetings virtually on the facebook group. If you do not have access to the group, you can request access via the WK&C facebook page.
April’s Sip, Sup & Knit will be at Hecho En Waco (300 S 6th St b, Waco, TX 76701) Join us for dinner, camaraderie and crafting. All welcome.
March meetings cancelled
Due to precautionary measures being set in place, our meetings for the rest of the month have been canceled.
We will be rescheduling our Secret Leprechaun Swap to a later date.
More information will be forthcoming shortly. Stay safe and keep those hooks and needles moving!
Mar 19th Knit @ Nite
Join us for our monthly Knit @ Nite meetup Thursday March 19th in the Conference Room (back left) at the West Waco Library (5301 Bosque Blvd #275) from 6:00pm – 8:30pm or any part thereof.
We will be having an optional St Patrick’s Day celebration. Feel free to wear your green and bring your “non-messy” snacks to share. Beverages are on your own. Also, for those of us participating in the Secret Leprechaun Swap, the reveal will happen here!!!

Mar 10th Knitting & Crochet Meetup
Join us Tuesday March 10th 5-8PM or any part thereof, at the South Waco Library (2737 S. 18th St). All welcome!
March (optional) project: This month let’s explore the Bobble Stitch. Whether in knit or crochet, the Bobble Stitch adds a pretty bit of texture to any project. Why not add just a row of bobbles or border a piece with bobble stitches. Are you making scarves for Special Olympics? Maybe add a row of bobble stitches at either end. Here are patterns for the Bobble Stitch in both Knit and Crochet. Want to learn?


Mar 5th Sip, Sup & Knit
March’s Sip, Sup & Knit will be at La Madeleine (2816 Marketplace Dr #101, Waco, TX 76711) Join us for dinner, camaraderie and crafting. All welcome.
Feb 27th Knitting & Crochet Meetup
Join us Thursday, February 27th, 5-8PM or any part thereof, at the West Waco Library in the meeting room (front left).
Feb 20th Knit @ Nite
Join us for our monthly Knit @ Nite meetup Thursday February 20th in the Conference Room (back left) at the West Waco Library (5301 Bosque Blvd #275) from 6:00pm – 8:30pm or any part thereof.
We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day during this meeting. Optional $5 gift exchange. POC Holly.
Feb 11th Knitting & Crochet Meetup
Join us Tuesday February 11th 5-8PM or any part thereof, at the South Waco Library (2737 S. 18th St). All welcome!
Our charity for the first quarter of 2020 will be the Talitha Koum Institute, an early childhood education center for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Here are some suggested lovey patterns we might make for them.
