Jan 16th Knit @ Nite

Join us for our monthly Knit @ Nite meetup Thursday January 16th in the Meeting Room (front left) at the West Waco Library (5301 Bosque Blvd #275) from 6:00pm – 8:30pm or any part thereof. ​​

We will be collecting Special Olympics scarves for last year’s 4th quarter charity during this meeting.

(extra) Jan 9th Lunchtime Sip, Sup and Knit

Join us for an extra SSK this Thursday, January 9th at HonkyTonk Kid BBQ in downtown Waco.

For the next two weeks, HTK BBQ is donating all profits to help animals and fire department services affected by the fires in Australia. Since they are only open for lunch Wednesday – Sunday, this will be a lunchtime SSK. Join us if you can!

Dec 19th Knit @ Nite

Join us for our monthly Knit @ Nite meetup Thursday November19th in the Meeting Room (front left) at the West Waco Library (5301 Bosque Blvd #275) from 6:00pm – 8:30pm or any part thereof. ​​

This meeting will be our annual WK&C Christmas party! Optional pot luck and $10 Gift Swap.

This will also be our last meeting of the year. There will be no meetup Christmas week.

Dec 10th Knitting & Crochet Meetup

Join us Tuesday December10th 5-8PM or any part thereof, at the South Waco Library (2737 S. 18th St). All welcome!

WK&C Cindy R will show us how to make Shawl Cuffs. If you have any pins you are unable to wear with a shawl (wrong kind of closure, pulls the yarn, etc), bring them to see how they could be added to the shawl cuffs.